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Robotic Neurorehabilitation

Field: Robotics
Task: Wiring concept for the ArmeoSpring® and revision of the Lokomat®.
Customer: Hocoma AG

Hocoma is the global market leader in the development, production and distribution of robot- and sensor-supported rehabilitation devices for functional movement therapy.


For the Armeo®Spring, joylab developed a cabling concept which connects the complete sensor system of the arm orthosis to a bus system. The wiring concept was designed in such a way that the degrees of freedom of 8 joints were taken into account. This is further enhanced by different aspects such as length adjustability of the individual segments, modularity, pluggability, right/left alternation, EMC and service life.

In another project, joylab supported the company in the revision of a number of modules on the Lokomat®. Thereby, the main goal was to increase the market acceptance by simplifying the operation of the device on different international mains voltages and frequencies, while simultaneously lowering regulatory hurdles.

With the support of joylab, Hocoma was not only able to compensate for missing internal development resources, but also to benefit from the best possible advice in this field. The resulting technical solution offers the optimal solution in terms of usability, durability and serviceability.

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